Check status report of signature requests in your organization


Only NetSuite administrators (or users with equivalent level of access) can use Dashboard and monitor signature requests in SignNow Settings.

Dashboard - the tab in SignNow Settings dedicated to the Status Report in the organization.

Status Report - the list of signature requests sent from the organization during the week before the date of checking.

NetSuite Administrators have an opportunity to instantly check all recent signature requests in the organization. The list is comprised as a Status Report on the SignNow Settings Dashboard.

Go to Setup > Integration > SignNow to access the SignNow Settings Dashboard.

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  1. Status: in this dropdown, select what type of requests you'd like to check - only Pending, only Fulfilled, or simply All of them.
  2. From: by default the Status Report lists all request for the last 7 days, however you can set your own dates for the check.
  3. Search by: filter the report by Document Name, Record ID, Sender, or Signer (all of which can be selected from the dropdown), or type the keyword to search for in the Search field.

Click More in the upper right to add the Dashboard to your Shortcuts.